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About Me

My Story

   My wellness journey has been a long one.  Throughout my childhood, I faced many behavioral challenges, was a troubled teen, and eventually, was diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD.  I was prescribed drugs that kept my symptoms at bay until after my third pregnancy.  Then, it was like a floodgate opened and in poured: stabbing pains in the right side of my head and face (trigeminal neuralgia), nerve pain, muscle spasms, TMJ, migraines, joint and muscle pain in the left side of my body, many cavities in a short period of time, rosacea, cracking skin, swollen glands, ovarian cysts, brain fog, anxiety, panic attacks, Bell's palsy in the right side of my face, chronic sinus infections (and resulting sinus surgery), kidney stones, "MTHFR gene mutation", IBS, CFS, neck and back pain, a "pre-MS" diagnosis, a neurological Lyme disease diagnosis, babesia, bartonella (and 2 years spent with a LLMD) - the list goes on.  I went through endless tests and dozens of doctors.  Tens of thousands of dollars and years of my life were spent wasted on various treatments and a long list of prescription medications including antibiotics, antimalarials, antifungals, antiparasitics, steroids, anti-anxiety drugs, nerve blockers, pain killers and more.  With every prescription came a new symptom.  I went vegan for 3 years.  I tried a paleo diet for 2 years.  I even tried Dr. Gundry.  At one point, I weighed 70 pounds.  It felt like my diagnoses were life sentences and that the corresponding symptoms were fixtures of my life, things I would just have to deal with.  I lost who I was.


   Today, I've been free from all prescription medications for over 4 years after finding Medical Medium and learning that my body knows how to heal with the right tools.  I have never felt healthier, happier, calmer, and more energetic in my entire life.  It has been a passion and a blessing to help others heal and share the tools and knowledge I have acquired through Medical Medium information.

The Process

   It's not normal to be sick, and today more than ever, men, women, and children of all backgrounds are sicker than ever and at younger ages.  Your individual challenges and diagnoses do not have to be life sentences.  You don't have to live a sick life.  You can heal; we are all born with the intuition to heal our bodies.


   Together, we will set you on a path towards wellness in body and mind by equipping you with the tools you need to overcome your unique challenges and individual situation.  Using a wealth of invaluable Medical Medium information and insights, I will help you develop an intuition-based health management strategy that will teach you to tap into your body's own incredible healing power.  I will meet you where you are and take things one step at a time.  As you begin to heal one aspect of your health, you will start to heal in other areas and begin to observe the spiritual aspect of healing. 




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